Does your Personality Shine as Bright Online as it does in Real Life?

I want to shine. I want an integrated online presence. Meaning, it’s time for me to connect the dots between my blips on the internet radar. I’ve put the proverbial stakes in the ground, my flags have been hoisted to the world, well to a very small few, but it all stops there.

I’m out there, but have taken little strategic approach to aligning online Jaime K with real world me and to most importantly creating meaningful engagement. Seriously, my online audience engagement boarders on nonexistent. Facebook likes tend to come from closest friends and family, and that’s all because I’ve still be using online in the broadcast sense, “this is who I am – look at me.” (Barf! That’s a five year old syndrome.)

I realize today, that while I’ve spent the better part of the last fifteen years helping companies & clients deepen their customer relationships across multi-channel marketing to drive engagement and sales, I’ve failed to apply what I preach to my own online microcosm. Seriously, 1000+ LinkedIn connections may seem great, but how much substance is there? Likely not much since the bulk of those connections in recent years have taken on the form of business card roulette. (Caveat: I don’t fish for contacts or accept every link request, but overtime have become far more lax in who I accept and how much or little we engage.)

So, it’s time for me to grow up; it’s time for a multi-dimension internet presence with personality. One that shines!

It will be a journey, a marathon of sorts, not a sprint, but I’m excited. I will share my plan, process and progress on my blog ( along the way. Who knows where this will go by this time next year?

I invite you to join me!!!

– Maybe you’re interested in a similar project for yourself?
– Maybe you’re savvy at this stuff and you’re willing to share some juicy nuggets?
– Whoever you are, if you’re reading this, it’s not an accident.

Join me in some fashion, it could be fun… I want to hear from you.
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